News and Updates

2011 Salmon Outing

This years SJRVFF Salmon Outing will be held on October 15th at the Thornapple Ave. Boat Launch on the Muskegon River.  The Thornapple Ave. Boat Launch is located  on Thornapple Ave just north of M 82 in Newaygo, MI. There will be two meeting points if you are interested in carpooling. For those in the South Bend area, the meeting point will be at the Meijer store on Portage Ave.  For those in the Elkhart area, the meeting point will be at the Middlebury Exit on the Indiana Toll Road. Please plan for a 6:00 A.M. departure time from the meeting points. Meeting us up there is always an option.  Travel time to the Thorapple Ave. Boat Launch is approximately 3-3 1/2 hours. I imagine that we will fish late morning and all afternoon which should but us back here somewhere in the 8:00 to 9:00 range. Of course, if you wish to stay layer, I am sure that can be option.

This outing is open to anyone who would like to attend. Lunch and drinks will be provided. Plan on lunch being ready at 1:00 P.M.  It would be a great help to me if you are planning to attend to drop me a line – 574-522-0735 or (Email) and let me know how many so that I can plan accordingly for lunch and drinks.

If you have never fished for Salmon/Steelhead before, this could be a great opportunity as there will be plenty of help available to get you started in the right direction. A heavier rod (7wt – 10wt) and a reel with a good drag system and plenty of backing is a must.

Directions to the Thornapple Ave. Boat Launch are fairly simple. (Map)

From the Elkhart Area, take 131 north past Grand Rapids to M82. head east on M82 to Thornapple Ave. then north to the Thornapple Ave Boat Launch.

From the South Bend Area take 31 north to 96, 96 north to 196. 196 NE  to 131 (Grand Rapids). 131 north to M82. M82 east to Thornapple Ave. Thornapple Ave north to the Thornapple Ave Boat Launch.

I you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
574-522-0735 or (Email)


Wednesday Night Fishing- October 5th, 2011 @ 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- October 5th @ 6:00 P.M.

This week lets go back and fish the Dowagiac River below Pucker St. Dam at Losensky Park in Niles, MI. I know, I know…we were there last week, however, the fish are there. I even managed to catch one.

Directions: From Niles, MI. take M-51 north to Pucker St. Turn left (west) on Pucker St.  Once you cross over the Dowagiac River, Losensky Park will be on the left (south side of Pucker St.).

I hope to see you there,


Wednesday Night Fishing- September 28th @ 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- September 28th@ 6:00 P.M.

This week lets fish the Dowagiac River below Pucker St. Dam at Losensky Park in Niles, MI.

Directions: From Niles, MI. take M-51 north to Pucker St. Turn left (west) on Pucker St.  Once you cross over the Dowagiac River, Losensky Park will be on the left (south side of Pucker St.).

I hope to see you there,


Brian Pitser

Brian Pitser –  has been a fly fishing guide and instructor in Michigan since 1996.  In May of 2010 he took over ownership of a fly shop in Traverse City, MI, The Northern Angler Fly Shop and Outfitters where his passion for fly fishing is apparent from the flies to the fly fishing gear for all types of fly fishing.  His past experience as a fly fishing industry sales representative for such companies as Simms, Sage, Umpqua, Fishpond, Scientific Anglers and Redington has definitely come in handy for running a retail business and guide service.  Brian enjoys all aspects of life in Northern Michigan from trout fishing, hiking, biking, upland bird hunting, winter sports and water sports. Brian lives in Interlochen, MI with his wife, Deanna and children Logan and Lily.

Wednesday Night Fishing-Spetember 14th @ 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- September 14th @ 6:00 P.M.

We have not been to Pinhook Park this season. Hey, I have an idea, lets go to Pinhook Park and fish on St. Joe River in South Bend. Pinhook Park is located in South Bend, IN. on Riverside Dr. just south of Cleveland Rd.

Directions: Take Cleveland Rd. to Riverside Dr. and then south to Pinhook Park or take Portage Av. north to Woodlawn Blvd. turn east on Woodlawn Blvd to Riverside Dr. then north to Pinhook Park. Parking is on Riverside Dr. Just south of the main park.

I Hope to see you there!



Wednesday Night Fishing- September 7th @ 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing-September 7th, 2011@ 6:00 P.M. (Map)

This week we will be going back to the the Mighty Joe for some smallie fishing. We will be meeting in Elkhart, In. at Beardsley Park which is located on the south east corner of the Main St. and Beardsley Ave. intersection  and will fish the Island Park area.  Please note the time change from 6:30 to 6:00.

Hope You Can Make It!


Wednesday Night Fishing- August 31st @ 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- August 31st @ 6:00 P.M.

This week, August 31st, we will be fishing on the Little Elkhart River in Middlebury, IN. at Riverbend Park.  Reports are that the Little Elkhart has been fishing well.

Direction (Map): from the Indiana Toll Road- Middlebury exit (State Road 13) take State Road 13 south to Middlebury. Once in Middlebury turn east on Warren St. and follow to where Warren St. crosses over the Little Elkhart River. After crossing over the river, Riverbend Park will be on the south side of Warren St. on the East side of the Little Elkhart River.

I Hope  To See You There!


Wedneday Night Fishing- August 24th @ 6:30 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- August 24th @ 6:30 P.M.

This week lets fish the Dowagiac River below Pucker St. Dam at Losensky Park in Niles, MI.

Directions: From Niles, MI. take M-51 north to Pucker St. Turn left (west) on Pucker St.  Once you cross over the Dowagiac River, Losensky Park will be on the left (south side of Pucker St.).

I hope to see you there,


Wednesday Night Fishing- August 17th @6:30 P.M.

Wednesday Night Fishing- August 17th @ 6:30 P.M.

This weeks Wednesday Night Fishing will be a Bill Westrate’s property on Dowagiac Creek from 6:30 P.M. to ? Bill Westrate’s address is 21406 McKinzie St, Cassopolis, MI. (map)

You will need Brown Drakes, emergers, duns and spinners. There are still some Sulphurs around you will need spinners.

From downtown Cassopolis, MI. take M-60 East to Decatur Rd. Turn left (north) on Decatur Rd and take to McKinzie Rd. Turn Left (West) on McKinzie Rd. Take McKinzie approximately 1/2 mile to where it crosses the Dowagiac Creek. Parking is on the west side of the creek and on the north side of the road.

I hope to see you there,



SJRVFF Small Mouth Outing- Sunday August 21

This years SJRVFF Small Mouth Outing will be held in Elkhart, IN. at Island Park on the St. Joseph River.  The Island Park area offers a multitude of great places to wade or fish from shore for small mouth. Lunch will be ready starting at 12:00 in Island park.

Directions: Island Park is located in down town Elkhart, In just east of the Main street bridge which crosses the St. Joseph River. Access to the park is available from Main St. ,Beardsley Ave., or Elkhart Ave. via foot bridges. The best parking will be at Bicentennial park on Elkhart Ave. There is no cost for this event and is open to all who wish to participate.
