News and Updates

Wednesday Night Fishing-May23, 2012

When:  Wednesday May 23, 2012.
Where: Dodd Park in Dowagiac MI (map).
Time:  6:00 P.M. to ?



From Niles, MI. take M-51 north to Kinzie St. Left (East) on Kinzie to Creek Rd. Right (North) on Creek Rd. to  Dodd Park.

From the Edwardsburg, MI. take Dailey Rd. North to White St. Left (East) on White St. to Anderson Rd. Left (South) on Anderson Rd to White St. Right (East) on White St to M-51. Left (South) on M-51 to Kinzie St. Right(East) on Kinzie St to Creek Rd. Right (North) on Creek Rd to Dodd Park.

I hope to see you there,


Upcoming Events

SJRVFF has two educational events scheduled for the next two Saturdays and we need volunteer help. These educational events will focus on fly tying and fly casting.
May 12th, 2012 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Buchanan Art Center. The Buchanan Art Center is located at 117 West Front St. Buchanan MI 49107.
May 19th, 2012 from 12:30pm to 4:30 pm at the St. Patricks County Park’s “Get Out There” program. St. Patricks County Park is located on laurel Rd north of Auten Rd in South Bend, IN.
Please let me know if you will be able to help at 574-202-0255 or [email protected]

May 2012 Meeting

May 16th at 6:00pm this meeting will again be held at the Elkhart Conservation Clubʼs small building (map). Ann Miller will be on hand to sample stream insects at Wednesday’s meeting at the Elkhart Conservation Club. Ann will ‘pick bugs’ and seine the river for immature aquatic insects and then demonstrate how to identify them with the use of her book, Hatch Guide for Upper Midwest Streams. She will have books available for purchase. The club will provide food and there will be a FREE raffle. Make sure to bring a rod with you (3 wt.) if you would like to do some fishing on site at Cobus Creek. We will also have fly tying and casting demos, and of course, a guest speaker. Hope to see you there!


The SJRVFF Opening Day Outing will take place on Saturday, April 28th at Bobbie Labar’s farm on the Dowagiac Creek. This is an all day event- there will be coffee and donuts for the early birds at 8:00 am and lunch will be served at noon. Lunch will be provided by the club along with water and soda. The club will not be providing beer or wine…you’ll have to bring your own. The Opening Day Raffle for the Winston BIIIx 8′ 4wt and Hardy Angel Reel w/SA line will be drawn following lunch (1:00 -1:30). See Billy Vail prior to drawing to purchase tickets.

The Dowagiac Creek runs through Bobbie’s property so there will be fishing on-site, however, there are also several other possibilities within a few minutes dirve of Bobbie’s farm. If you are not sure where to go, stop by Bobbie’s first and someone will available to help with any questions.

To get to the Labar farm from South Bend, take either m-60 or m-62 to Cassopolis, MI. Then take O’Keefe Rd north out of town to Engle St. (approx. 3.5 miles). Turn left on Engle St. Labar’s farm is about a 1/2 mile west of O’Keefe Rd. The address is 23683 Engle St. Cassopoplis, MI. for those with GPS (map)

2012 Auction

Our April meeting features our Annual Fundraiser on April 18th at 6:00 PM on the 6th floor of the Chase Bank Building in downtown South Bend. The event includes a grab bag raffle, silent auctions, a chance to win a new Sage fly rod and a general auction run by auctioneer Dave Goodrich. The Cellar Door Restaurant will serve dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of dinner is $14 per person. (more..)


The SJRVFF Opening Day Outing will take place on Saturday, April 28th at Bobbie Labar’s farm on the Dowagiac Creek. This is an all day event- there will be coffee and donuts for the early birds at 8:00 am and lunch will be served at noon. Lunch will be provided by the club along with water and soda. The club will not be providing beer or wine…you’ll have to bring your own. The Opening Day Raffle for the Winston BIIIx 8′ 4wt and Hardy Angel Reel w/SA line will be drawn following lunch (1:00 -1:30). See Billy Vail at the Club Auction or at the Openin Day Outing prior to drawing to purchase tickets.

The Dowagiac Creek runs through Bobbie’s property so there will be fishing on-site, however, there are also several other possibilities within a few minutes dirve of Bobbie’s farm. If you are not sure where to go, stop by Bobbie’s first and someone will available to help with any questions.

To get to the Labar farm from South Bend, take either m-60 or m-62 to Cassopolis, MI. Then take O’Keefe Rd north out of town to Engle St. (approx. 3.5 miles). Turn left on Engle St. Labar’s farm is about a 1/2 mile west of O’Keefe Rd. The address is 23683 Engle St. Cassopoplis, MI. for those with GPS

Working with Hair – Tips & Techniques for dry flies with Chris Helm & Glen Weisner

Chris Helm & Glen Weisner tie an assortment of very popular flies using a wide rage of different hair, including calf body hair, calf tail, moose body hair, elk hair, whitetail body hair, bull elk, cow elk and elk mane. Gel spun thread and material selection are highlighted along with using the correct side of a peacock stick and tying off the parachute hackle on the wing post.