News and Updates

Beginner Tying Class Offered

The St. Joseph River Valley Fly Fishers (SJRVFF) is hosting a Beginning Fly Tying Class. The classes will be at the Kroc Center in South Bend, located at 900 W. Western Ave. Classes will be on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm beginning February 3rd and running for seven weeks. This year’s classes will focus on beginning fly tying. The first class will review the tools of fly tying and we’ll begin tying the later half. Each class and pattern following will build on the previous week’s techniques. Participants will be able to tie most of their own flies at the end of the classes. The SJRVFF will provide all necessary fly tying materials and tools but participants are welcome to bring their own tools if they have them.

The cost for non-members of SJRVFF is $30.00. For members of SJRVFF the class cost is $5.00. Money will be collected at the first class. The class will be limited to 30 people. For questions or to reserve your spot contact Dustin New at [email protected] or Jeff Stanifer at [email protected].

Gary Krebs – Tying Class January 19th, 2013

Gary Krebs will be with us on January 19th, 2013 for a one day fly tying seminar at the Elkhart Conservation Club.  Gary is located in West Lafayette, IN. and has come up with some very interesting ways of tying poppers. The cost for this seminar is $50.00 and is open to all who want to attend. Participants, however, will need to already have basic fly tying skills.

Tiers will need to bring there own vise, tools, lamp (if needed), and thread. Lunch and materials are included in the class fee.  The seminar will start at 9:00 am and should conclude by 4:00 pm with a break at noon for lunch. Please contact Todd Ezzell at [email protected] or 574-202-0255 if you need more information or would like to reserve a spot. This seminar will be limited to 16 tiers.

Gary has a couple You Tube videos that you may want check out.

December Meeting

Good food, good drink…. Great company! You do not want to miss
the annual SJRVFF awards and Story Night. We will be handing out
Fly fisher of the Year, Tyer of the Year, Oakie Drifter and more!

Members will then share some of their memories and funny stories
of fishing trips past. Expect a lot of laughs. This tradition has
become a club favorite of many members!

Web Wing Caddis – Eric Wroblewski

Web Wing Caddis

Hook : Tiemco #100 Size 10 – 20
Body : Ice Dubbing Rusty Brown
Wing : Web Wing Mottled Brown
Hackle : Brown Hackle

I saw this pattern on another website a couple of years ago and figured I would give it a try. The pattern was created by John Barr of the Copper John fame. Web Wing comes in various colors that work well for caddis patterns. You can cut it to shape using scissors or it can be cut using Caddis wing cutters although the maker of the cutter says it will dull the cutters, but I use them anyway. You can also add an amber zelon shuck . I’ve had really good luck with this pattern the past few seasons. Give it a try!

Unreal Egg – Eric Wroblewski

Unreal Egg

Hook: Tiemco #105 Size 10
Egg: Otter’s Egg 6mm Opaque Apricot
Sheath: Chartreuse Egg Yarn

I saw this pattern in a magazine or a book several months ago and liked the looks of it. You can use a plastic bead, metal bead, or Otter’s Eggs. Mix and match the colors of the beads and yarn for a variety of color combinations. I’ll let you know how they work this spring!

PS Hex Nymph – Eric Wroblewski

Hook: Mustad Black Salmon – Size 6
Tail: 4-6 strands Krystal Flash
Overtail: Chartreuse glo-bug yarn
Body: Orange large cactus chenille
Rib: Orange saddle hackle
Shellback: Orange Edge-Brite
Eyes: Mono eyes

I picked up this pattern at the Norther Angler in Traverse City a couple of summers ago. I added the Krystal Flash tail and changed the shellback from glo-bug yarn to Edge-Brite. Other successful colors are all pink and a chartreuse body with an orange shellback and overtail. I have used this pattern with great success on the PM and the waters in the local area. Tie some up this winter and give them a try next spring!

SJRVFF Fly Pattern Page

SJRVFF Fly Tiers – I would like to get this part of the website going forward in a big way but I need your help!  Send me one or more of your favorite fly patterns – they don’t have to be something you created. Send me what you like to use whether it be a pattern from the 1940’s or a pattern you picked up at a fly shop this summer and it worked good for you.  All I need is a color photo, pattern receipe,  the tying instructions,  and I will take it from there. This club has many great fly tyers , so take the time to share your favorites with the rest of us!!!!

Eric Wroblewski