News and Updates
September 2013 Loop Newsletter
Here is the September 2013 issue of Loop.
2013 Smallmouth Outing
Flyfishers, join us for a day on the St. Joe chasing smallies. This year’s outing will be in Motville, MI on September, 14. Fish early or late SJRVFF will provide lunch near the public access around noon.
We need a couple volunteers to help bring supplies and cook the food. Please contact Eric Wroblewski – 574-850-5441 (Email) or Tim Pote – 574-360-7683 (Email) if you can help out.
St. Joe River Bass Study
SJRVFF has contributed to a very important study that may significantly impact how the INDR manages smallmouth on the Joe and throughout the state. Bass in the St. Joe have been tagged and their location recorded. If you catch a tagged bass and report the tag and location information the IDNR will use this data for their study. As an incentive to return the tags, the IDNR will reward you with a $5, $10 or $25 gift card from Bass Pro Shops. If you know someone who fishes the St. Joe that isn’t a club member please pass the info on to them as well. More information is available on this flyer.
May 2013 Loop Newsletter
Here is the May 2013 issue of Loop.
Opening Day
Don’t forget that the Opening Day Outing is at the end of the month on Saturday, April 27th. It takes place at the LaBar farm on Dowagiac Creek. The location is a great place to celebrate the first day of trout season and we are very fortunate to be able to invade
Bobbie’s farm for the day. The turnout is always very good as well as the food. Terry’s deep fried turkeys are like eating candy – once you have a taste you can’t stop!
Also, don’t forget to buy your tickets for the beautiful bamboo fly rod that is being raffled off this month. Craig Myers will be selling tickets at the auction and at the Opening Day Outing where the drawing will take place at 1:00 p.m. This rod was made by our own Winston Binney and is the perfect fly rod for fishing our area streams. Buy lots of tickets!!!
April Meeting/Auction
In case you haven’t heard, our Annual Fundraiser is on April 17th, Wednesday night. The doors will open at 5:30 PM at the Waterford Estates Lodge, 52890 State Road 933, South Bend, IN. The Waterford is just north of the Cleveland Road/933 intersection. The event includes a grab bag raffle, silent auction, a chance to win a a new Scott G2 8’8” 6 weight rod with a Galvan reel and a general auction run by professional auctioneer Dave Goodrich.
Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM. Admission is $25 per person and includes dinner, a bid card and a special fly box. And if you find the lucky “Okie Drifter” inside your box you win a cool basket of neat stuff. The auction is always amazing. Some of the items donated include fishing tackle, fly tying equipment and supplies, photographs, paintings, gear and hand crafted items, even a hand carved Greenback Cutthroat Trout. Some last minute items include a guided Musky trip for two anglers in Wisconsin next fall
with Jordan Carter, a carp fishing trip with guide Brian Pitser, and a chance to be an
honorary assistant manager of the South Bend Silver Hawks for a day. Tim Scott will offer his legendary day of smallmouth bass fishing with lunch and 36 flies. We added another item to the silent auction table, a discount certificate for Chota waders and boots. That brings the items on the silent auction table to 10, all great discounts on top quality items.
April 2013 Loop Newsletter
Here is the April 2013 issue of Loop.
March 2013 Loop Newsletter
Here is the March 2013 issue of Loop.