News and Updates

Single to Switch to Spey All in a Day

Meet with us at 9 AM on August 2nd at Shamrock Park, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Last year was well attended, so we decided to do it again, but with additional demonstrators and exhibitors.

A new demonstrator this year is Jen Ripple, Editor of Dun Magazine. Jen spends her time teaching women’s fly tying and fly casting.

Phil Cook from Scientific Anglers, will be giving an on-the-water demo on how their lines apply to fishing in Michigan waters.

Wildcat Creek Outfitters will bring fishing Kayaks for you to trial on the river.

Greg Senyo will show how he ties his effective and beautiful steelhead flies. He will be tying throughout the day.

Your favorites, Peter Humphreys and Jeff Liskay, will demo Single to Switch to Spey casting. Plus if you have a mismatched line to rod outfit that you’re not getting along with, you can approach them to sort it out and give you some casting help as well. Peter and Jeff are also offering a private lesson on Friday the 1st.

Gary Kalinka aka Voodoofly, will represent Nextcast lines and will help budding long line casters.

Jay Anglin and Kory Boozer will give a demo on fly fishing for Smallmouth from a drift boat.

Both Great Lakes Spey Shop and Heritage Angling Products will be returning, plus Schultz Outfitters from Ypsilanti, Michigan.

St Joe Valley Fly Fishers will be on hand to discuss the St Joe River, its eco system and fishing opportunities.

The catering again will be done by Duneland Fly Fishers. The only cost is $5.00 admission to the park. Please, please, please park where the bloke taking your money asks you to to park. Don’t just throw your car down and walk away from it.

This year we are setting aside some parking spaces for those people who are not quite as mobile as they once were. These spaces will be clearly marked and will be next to the 3 cabins.

For the full event please visit us at

Wednesday Night Fishing- June 25, 2014

Hello all,

With all of the rain that we have had recently, options are limited due to high and stained water. I think fishing would be better on the small creeks and for that reason I am wanting to go back to Bill Westrate’s property on the Dowagiac Creek. We fished there last week, however, got forced out early due to storms. So, lets go back.

This weeks Wednesday Night Fishing will be a Bill Westrate’s property on Dowagiac Creek from 6:00 P.M. to ? Bill Westrate’s address is 21406 McKinzie St, Cassopolis, MI. (map)

Directions: From downtown Cassopolis, MI. take M-60 East to Decatur Rd. Turn left (north) on Decatur Rd and take to McKinzie Rd. Turn Left (West) on McKinzie Rd. Take McKinzie approximately 1/2 mile to where it crosses the Dowagiac Creek. Parking is on the west side of the creek and on the north side of the road.

I Hope To See You There!

Todd Ezzell


Wednesday Night Fishing- June 18, 2014

Hello all,

This weeks Wednesday Night Fishing will be a Bill Westrate’s property on Dowagiac Creek from 6:00 P.M. to ? Bill Westrate’s address is 21406 McKinzie St, Cassopolis, MI. (map)

Directions: From downtown Cassopolis, MI. take M-60 East to Decatur Rd. Turn left (north) on Decatur Rd and take to McKinzie Rd. Turn Left (West) on McKinzie Rd. Take McKinzie approximately 1/2 mile to where it crosses the Dowagiac Creek. Parking is on the west side of the creek and on the north side of the road.

I Hope To See You There!

Todd Ezzell


Wednesday Night Fishing-June 11th, 2014

Hey All,

This week lets fish the Little Elkhart River In Middlebury, IN. down stream from the bridge at County Road 43. And Yes, after being out of town the past two weeks, I will finally be able to join you. We will meet at the County Road 43 bridge over the Little Elkhart River at 6:00 and fish to whenever. Parking is on the side of the road and if necessary we can shuttle vehicles to and from Middlebury.

Directions: Take US Hwy 20 east of SR 13 (main st.) to county Road 43 then north to the Little Elkhart River.

I hope to see you there!

Todd Ezzell







Wednesday Night Fishing- June 4th, 2014

Wednesday Night Fishing this week will be at Dodd Park in Dowagiac, MI. Dodd Park in Dowagiac MI (map). at 6:00 P.M. to ?


From Niles, MI. take M-51 north to Kinzie St. Left (East) on Kinzie to Creek Rd. Right (North) on Creek Rd. to  Dodd Park.

From the Edwardsburg, MI. take Dailey Rd. North to White St. Left (East) on White St. to Anderson Rd. Left (South) on Anderson Rd to White St. Right (East) on White St to M-51. Left (South) on M-51 to Kinzie St. Right(East) on Kinzie St to Creek Rd. Right (North) on Creek Rd to Dodd Park.

**Note About Weather** Sometimes the weather will change at the last minute which does not allow for a last minute update. Please use you own judgement before heading out.  You can always call me on my cell (574-202-0255). Please do not email me with last minute questions as I may have already left  to go fishing.

I hope to see you there,

Thanks, Todd Ezzell

Wednesday Night Fishing-May 28, 2014

Hey All,

This week we will be fishing at the Labar Farm on the Dowagiac Creek  in Cassopolis, MI. starting at 6:00 to ? To get to the Labar farm take O’Keefe Rd north from M-60 to Engle St (approx. 3.5 mi.). Turn left (west) on Engle street to Labar’s farm (approx. 1/2 mile west of O’Keefe Rd.) The address is 23638 Engle St. Cassopolis, MI. Please use the driveway on the west side of the house and park in the open area behind the pole building. Bobbie Labar is expecting us and Blake will be there to help if you have questions.

Todd Ezzell

Wednesday Night Fishing

Spring is in full bloom time to get out on the water. We will be starting our Wednesday Night Fishing soon. These will be unstructured outings where we pick a location to get together and fish each Wednesday through the summer. If you have a place you would like to fish, talk to Todd Ezzell. He will be coordinating the plans and updating the website with each week’s location. We will start this week at the May meeting at the Elkhart Conservation Club. Bring your gear and wet a line.