The always popular Salmon/Steelhead Outing will be Saturday, October 17, 2015. We’ll be meeting at the Thorn Apple Landing on the Muskegon River. We’ll be sending out a reminder as we get a little closer and look for opportunities to share a ride. As always Todd will be providing some of his awesome chili. If you haven’t done any salmon fishing this is a great opportunity to get into some fish and have someone with some experience help you out. Don’t worry if your light on equipment – there will be some there for you to tryout as well. And if you’ve experienced the pull of a salmon before, come on up and spend the day hanging out, trading stories and maybe helping someone experience the thrill for the first time.
News and Updates
Wednesday Night Fly Fishing- September 2nd, 2015 @6:00
This week we will be fishing on the St. Joseph River at Kamm’s Island in Mishawaka, IN. The best place to park is at Immigrant Park (Ironworks) on the south side of the river west of Main St.
DIRECTIONS: Main St. to front St. (south side of the St. Joseph River) then west to parking lot (in front of new suspension foot bridge). from there you can access the east end of Kamm’s Island or fish the river between Main St. and Kamm’s Island.
Just a reminder, Wednesday September 9th will be the last Wednesday Night Fly Fishing for the summer. Club meetings will start up the following week. It has been a lot of fun fishing with all of you this summer!!!
Wednesday Night Fly Fishing-August 26th@6:30 pm
Hey All,
This week we will be fishing In Elkhart on the St. Joseph River . We will be meeting in Elkhart, In. at Beardsley Park which is located on the south east corner of the Main St. and Beardsley Ave. intersection and will fish the Island Park area. Maybe afterwards, slipping over to Iechyd Da (Elkhart’s only brewery) for a pint or two
Hope You Can Make It!
Wednesday Night Fly Fishing-August 19th, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
Hey All,
This week we will be at Pinhook Park on St. Joe River in South Bend. Pinhook Park is located in South Bend, IN. on Riverside Dr. just south of Cleveland Rd.
Directions: Take Cleveland Rd. to Riverside Dr. and then south to Pinhook Park or take Portage Av. north to Woodlawn Blvd. turn east on Woodlawn Blvd to Riverside Dr. then north to Pinhook Park. Parking is on Riverside Dr. Just south of the main park.
I hope to see you there
Smallmouth Outing It’s ON!

Wednesday Night Fishing-August 12th, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
This week we will be at Leeper Park in South Bend, IN. (Map)
Directions: Leeper Park is located off of N Michigan St in down town South Bend just south of where N Michigan St. Crosses over the St. Joseph River. Take N. Michigan St to Bartlett St. Turn east on Bartlett St and go to end. Parking is along the river.
I hope to see you there,
Wednesday Night Fly Fishing-August 5th, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
This week we will be a Cummins Park in Bristol In. to fish the St. Joseph River. Parking is behind the museum in Bristol.
Directions: From the Indiana Toll Rd. Bristol Exit take State Road 15 south to State Road 120. Then west on State Road 120 to Cummins Park which is loacted behind the museum in down town Bristol.
I hope to see you there
Wednesday Night Fishing-July 29th @ 6:00 pm
Hey All,
Well, its about time! This week we will be fishing on the St. Joseph River for smallies. We will be meeting in Elkhart, In. at Beardsley Park which is located on the south east corner of the Main St. and Beardsley Ave. intersection and will fish the Island Park area. Maybe afterwards, slipping over to Iechyd Da (Elkhart’s only brewery) for a pint or two
Hope You Can Make It!
Wednesday Night Fishing-July 22nd @ 6:00
Hey all,
I know we seem to have been spending most of our time on the Dowagiac Creek but it seems to be the best fishing right now. So, this week we are again going to fish on the Dowagiac Creek at Griffis Rd. in Cassopolis, MI.
Directions can be a little tricky as I do not have an address for you to plug into a GPS. So, here are the “old school” directions from downtown Cassopolis, MI. go one block east on M-60 to Okeefe Rd then north 4 miles to Kelsey Lake Rd. Turn right (east) on Kelsey Lake Rd and take it 1 mile to Griffis Rd. Turn left (north) on Griffis Rd and go 1.5 miles to where Griffis Rd crosses over the Dowagiac Creek. Park along the side of the road.
I hope to see you there!
Smallmouth outing
It seems the weather is not going to cooperate with us for a Smallmouth Outing this coming weekend. The St. Joseph River is high and very dirty and even more rains scheduled for this week. We hate to do it but we are going to reschedule the Smallmouth Outing for a later date. At this point we are not sure when that will be but will keep everyone posted when conditions improve.
In the mean time we can still do some fishing! Todd Ezzell has secured permission to hold a get together at Dick Hall’s cabin on Dowagiac Creek in Cassopolis, MI. Todd has been fishing in that area recently and even though the water is a little high it is still fishing well and easily accessible. If you have never been up to fish Dowagiac Creek, this is a great opportunity for you to check it out with someone who has been there a time or two (or 20). So the plan is we get together on Sunday, July 19th later in the afternoon for a cookout and fish late afternoon-early evening. That way everyone can fish and still get home at a reasonable hour. Todd will arrive around 4:00 to get things set up with the plans of having a cookout at 6:00. The club will provide food, pop and water. Please feel free to BYOB. You should also bring a chair or something to sit on. Dick’s place is very nice, but seating is in short supply.
Again, we are sorry to have to postpone the Smallmouth Outing but we think this could be a fun alternative.
From down town Cassopolis take M60 east one block to O’Keefe Rd. Take O’Keefe Rd north 4 miles to Kelsey Lake Rd. Turn right (east) on Kelsey Lake Rd and take it one mile to Griffis Rd. Turn left (north)on Griffis Rd and take it 1.5 miles to where It crosses over the Dowagiac Creek. Dick Hall’s cabin is on the east side of Griffis Rd and the north side of the Dowagiac Creek. Parking will be along the side of the Griffis Rd. (map)
We hope to see you there.