Charlie Craven Fly Tying Clinic

SJRVFF Fly Tying Seminar with Charlie Cravencharliecraven

Date: March 5th & 6th, 2016

Location: The Elkhart Conservation Club

Cost:  $100.00 per tier

SJRVFF is hosting a fly tying seminar with Charlie Craven on March 5th & 6th, 2016.

The seminar will be limited to 30 tiers total and will be broken down into two one day classes (15 tiers on Saturday March 5th, 2016 and 15 tiers on Sunday March 6th, 2016). Both classes will cover the same content so there is no need to attend both days unless that is what you want to do. The cost for the seminar is $100.00 per tier ($200.00 if you for some reason you want to attend both Saturday and Sunday classes). And will include materials needed for the class, lunch, and beverages. Each tier attending the class will need to bring their own tying equipment (vise, tools, lamp, thread, etc.).

Please note that this is not a beginner level seminar and each tier will need to know basic fly tying techniques prior to the class.

The seminar will cover patterns and techniques that Charlie has developed thru many years of commercial tying and guiding.

If you would like additional information or would like to reserve a seat please contact me at 574-202-0255 or [email protected]


Todd Ezzell